Number theory 2025/01/21

ABC Conjecture 2023/10/01
ABC予想 2023/10/01

A proof of Fermat's Last Theorem 2024/09/19
フェルマーの最終定理の証明 2024/09/19

A proof of Fermat's Last Theorem (p=4) 2024/02/14
フェルマーの最終定理(p=4)の証明 2024/02/14

Series Representation of Prime Number Counting Function π(x) 2024/12/29
素数計数関数π(x)の級数表現 2025/01/21

Sophie Germain prime and Fermat's Last Theorem

Infinite existence of Sophie Germain primes 2022/11/15
ソフィージェルマン素数の無限存在 2024/07/13

双子素数の無限存在 2024/07/16

Goldbach's conjecture Added proof of prime number theorem 2022/11/06
ゴールドバッハ予想の証明(素数定理の証明追加) 2024/07/15

Collatz's conjecture 2022/08/06
コラッツ予想 2022/08/06

The ratio of prime numbers

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